"i think it's fun. it's great to keep things forever....unless your external hard drive crashes, like my dad's did." -nico celada (on photography)
hammer museum. "if one thing matters, everything matters." -wolfgang tillmans
"my father used to say, "be nice to people on the way up the ladder of success. they are the same people you will see on the way down."" -lenny
bumped into leslie hall @ an arcade. had a steamy photo booth session w/ faux husband. another side to leslie.
a composer from down the hall moved out. i found this in the trash room. i think it's splendiferous.
"partially cultivated country" or not?
saturday night, i couldn't fall asleep so i dressed my refrigerator. half of my bed serves as a closet. my neighbor/faux husband....we met at a moving sale in our building.
i was walking to a gallery opening and saw this open garage. it gave me a visual orgasm.
this was my first shoot using models and a make-up artist and strobe gear etc. etc.... collaborating with friends calls for good times.